

追哟文学 >> [复联+雷神]诸神的谎言 >> Chapter 177

所以这一章继续有配乐君出没。。。和上一章相同,都是Jason Walker的《Everybody Lies》。



We do what we have to when we fall in love

We say what we need to get out when it's not enough

Whether it's to yourself,

Or looking at someone else

Everybody lies, lies, lies

It's the only truth sometimes

Doesn't matter if it's out there somewhere waiting for the world to find

Or buried deep inside

Everybody lies

Just being honest, we're playing for both sides

It's easy to deceive but it's hard when the trust that's broken is mine

For better, or for worse

for the happy, for the hurt

Everybody lives

And everybody dies


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